Sunday, July 13, 2008
Final Weii
So i left 2 more papers which is DTP and MCS. Everyone seems stressed out including me of course. I haven't start to study yet because of my incomplete notes. Been bugging my friends for notes eversince just now. Hahaha! sorry to kacau you guys yea, but FHANKSSS soo much (noo, it's not a typo error). Oh well, I just dont know which 38 note that i printed, maybe the note it meant for the past sem. Feel soo noob suddenly. Anyway, i shall study now. Blahhh
Friday, July 11, 2008
Mr and Mrs Bong (Chapter 1)
One fine Bonging day, Mr bong went out to buy some bonging bon bon bun in the bakery called, What else, BongBong Bakery. The famous bon bon bun is made from the delicious one of a kind bonging cream that only can be found in BongBong Bakery. Locals bong village once believed that if you eat that bon bon bun, you will find bongging true love and live bong-ling-ly happy. So Mr Bong has been eating that bon bon bun since he was still a bonging baby. To be cont...
Vote For Me!!

Recently i joined the natural faces search, well.. not really recently but yea..Anyway, do check it out and vote for me. I seriously want the mini cooper although it'ss the old version but atlease its a car. Haha! desperately in need of vintage car coz it matches most of my outfit. Its very simple to vote, all you need is to sign up, fill in all your details then log in and search for my pic and vote. To revote, log in again and click on my pic and vote. Eeeeasaaay!! click on the link below yea.
vote! or i'll hunt you down.
vote! or i'll hunt you down.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Fire 2 !!
Talking bout fire, i just had that experience in my house. Well, the house is still ok but i hurt myself. It happens in the kitchen, i wanted to cook so i turn on the gas stove which i saw big flame but i chose to ignore then so i turn it off and turn it on again but this time the gas exploded. The flame burnt my legs and arms. Luckily it was just a minor injury and the gas tank left a bit but i still suffer the heat from the flame. My legs especially where now i have to put my legs straight. Ahhh, what a bad day and i should be thankful that i'm still alived. Thank God. It make me appreciate my life and people that i loved most and always be thankful.
See the difference?

My waistline
See the difference?
My waistline
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The title says it all, i was having my dinner and watching tv alone in the living room until i smell some sort of gas. I just ignore, thinking that was some food that got burnt (luung smell). I still continue watching tv and then i heard people screaming FIRE FIRE outside and i immediately when out to the balcony and saw big clouds of gas from the house on the 1st floor. so i jst went to my room, put on a shirt, grab my hp and wallet while still in my boxers and ran out from the house. Since its a condo, i had to walk down through the stairs and lift seems to stop functioning. When i got to the stairway, it was full of thick smoke especially the stairs near 1st floor entrance. My unit was on the 4th flr, so it was not that bad to walk down but i had to stop at each floor to gasp some air. Dang, it was like a drama.
So i managed to reach the main entrance and walk away from the building. Luckily my sis came back late and she waited for me downstairs. So every residence gather around and watch the flaming fire, it seems the fire came from the kitchen. We waited for the firefighter to come, they took some time to arrive and some of the residence actually took the hose from the pool water trying to stop the flame or delay the fire from getting worse. By the time, the firefighter came, the flame seems to reduce. Thanks to the residence actually and they should fix the fire alarm from the condo unit.
The hose from 1st floor entrace
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