Talking bout fire, i just had that experience in my house. Well, the house is still ok but i hurt myself. It happens in the kitchen, i wanted to cook so i turn on the gas stove which i saw big flame but i chose to ignore then so i turn it off and turn it on again but this time the gas exploded. The flame burnt my legs and arms. Luckily it was just a minor injury and the gas tank left a bit but i still suffer the heat from the flame. My legs especially where now i have to put my legs straight. Ahhh, what a bad day and i should be thankful that i'm still alived. Thank God. It make me appreciate my life and people that i loved most and always be thankful.
See the difference?

My waistline
See the difference?
My waistline
NAMOR!! YOU POOR BABY! ARE YOU OKAY?? ): poor boy. take care of yourself and don't peel off the dry/dead skin okay? if not, you'll have permanent marks on your beautiful white skin. heh. loves.
yesshh......i'll try my best not to scratch. Hugss!
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